
Medical Forms

Download the forms below and return.

Health Assessment Form

*Must be signed by a doctor, and are for new students only. Please include all medication taken at home, and the time it is taken.

*Please note any conditions your child may have such as asthma, allergies, ADD/ADHD, anxiety, gastrointestinal issues, migraines, etc.

*Surgeries are important to note as well. All prescription medications including inhalers and epi-pens will need a doctor’s and parent’s signature. Your doctor will also have to sign off that your child may self-carry their inhaler or epi-pen if that applies.

Medication Authorization Form

*Must be signed by your child’s doctor. Please provide one signed form per medication.

*We do not provide over-the-counter medication at school and must have authorization to administer.

Immunization Form

*For new students only; and a copy must be signed by your doctor

Blood Lead Certificate Form

*This form only needs to be completed for incoming first graders
