23 May Students Teaching Students
Building a strong and connected community is important to Legacy. We expect our students to be respectful and helpful to all other students, regardless of grade, age, class, or building. For older students, this is a serious responsibility of modeling best behavior, showing younger students how to work hard and be successful, and presenting the exciting opportunities Legacy provides as students progress.
Coach Missy leans into helping students build these community skills by inviting 8th graders to teach a physical education class for younger Legacy students. It is a volunteer activity, with 8th graders selecting teaching partners, developing a lesson, and then teaching it to a class of Barn or Primary students. This year four different teams of 8th graders taught classes for their community.
Coach Missy explains the project by saying, “It helps them give back to their school, provides a leadership opportunity, and allows them to be a role model. The 8th graders seem to have a lot of fun with it. and the younger kids, love it!”
We love seeing our students build the Legacy community and show off their love of learning!
You can see more pictures from this awesome community activity below!