24 Mar Message From the Head of School
Dear Legacy Families,
We continue to round out the school year strong! Today was our third trimester Geography Bee! It was a great competition with Daniel Jacobs taking first place, Burke Holbrook coming in second, and Jared Snyder coming in 3rd! The kids had a fun time competing and it was a close race!
Furthermore, I hopped onto morning announcements this morning to remind our older students that they may not use the “chat” feature on our Google platform to communicate with one another during the day. Now that computers are more integrated into the classroom, it is easier to access this casual chat feature during the school day. We would like to keep this feature accessible to our students as it has educational value, but we also want to emphasize that it is for educational purposes only.
Our Dress Down day raised $47.00 for the PTA–thank you so much for supporting their efforts!
We have finally placed all of our donated bricks on a beautiful patio! Please feel free to stop by and check it out!

Check out our beautiful patio with all of the personalized bricks! Thank you Keiser Family!!!
Please fill free to click on the link below for information about next year’s tuition and fees:
Outline of Tuition & Fees for 2021-2022
The Enrollment Paperwork and 10% deposit will be due to Legacy by March 30th. The enrollment paperwork consists of: a signed administrative fee form and a signed enrollment contract. Also, you must sign up for bus service this year to guarantee a spot. With the pandemic, bus spots may be limited again, and there is nothing the School can do should that happen. That paperwork is also found at the link below.
Mandatory Enrollment Paperwork & Optional Transportation Agreement
The 10% deposit may be paid by check, credit card or this PayPal link.
Used Clothing Closet Announcement:
Going forward, we are only accepting clothing that has a Legacy logo on it. Thank you!
All the best to each one of you-