19 Apr 8th Grade Career Presentations
At Legacy, we work to ensure bright futures for our students. We help students with dyslexia build independence and confidence so that they are prepared to face the challenges of high school, college, and careers. Part of achieving great things is setting goals and working towards them, and we encourage every student at Legacy to dream big and keep moving forward.
- Primary students enjoying Everett’s mineral collection. He plans to be a geologist.
- A student uses a scale for weighing fish brought in by future outdoorsman, Grady.
To help students set their goals, and understand the steps to reaching them, Ms. Tara designed a career research project for the 8th grade students. First, students were tasked with writing an essay about their desired careers. Students spent time researching, organizing ideas, and answering specific questions about their fields. Students needed to gather information about the expected salary for their chosen career and the education requirements for the job. Students were also asked to interview someone in the field. Some interviewed parents, friends of parents, Legacy teachers, or people they admire in the field. These interviews gave the students insight about the best parts of their chosen careers and provided primary sources for their essays.
- Harrison shows off an origami crane created by future artists, Eden.
- Students learning about the career of a fighter pilot.
The career presentations were like a Legacy based museum. The younger students were given time to explore the community space and could wander around the amazing displays. Younger students were able to ask questions and learn more about their 8th grade classmates, and learn about potential careers. Each display showed off design abilities, writing, research, and creativity of our students. Activities and events like this allow the Legacy to build connections and inspire one another. All students are highly motivated by peer interactions and experiences. By allowing younger students to directly see the drive and diligence of older students, we motivate everyone to work hard to achieve high quality work.
- Rotational students learning about nursing from an 8th grader.
- Discussing the exciting work of interior design.
- Taking a moment to rest with friends and classmates.
- Primary students learning about the exhilarating work of being a fighter pilot.
Finally, check-out our 8th graders with their career presentation boards. We are so proud of the hard work and creativity they put into their projects!
- Marketing Executive
- Nurse
- Fighter Pilot
- Airline Pilot
- Mechanical Engineer
- Dancer Instructor and Choreographer
- Fireman
- Artist
- Interior Designer
- Lawyer
- Interior Designer
- Nurse
- Outdoorsman
- Zoologist
- Interior Designer