08 Apr Shout outs for Sit-ups!
At Legacy we strive for holistic growth, encouraging students to expand their minds, bodies, and character.
Coach Missy established a sit-up competition for all students at Legacy. These amazing athletes showed off their strength and determination by completing the most sit-ups in their division. Competition can be a great way for students to celebrate each other’s successes, and set goals for themselves.
The CDC recommends that children participate in at least 60 minutes of exercise everyday. Regular exercise helps establish healthy bodies, strong bones, and muscle development for students. Legacy students are given time for active play during recess and breaks, and structured play and exercise during Physical Education classes. Sit-ups are especially good for working multiple muscle groups and strengthening the body’s core.
Healthy and directed competition benefits Legacy students. Humans are naturally competitive, it’s part of our survival instincts! By providing students with directed competition, Coach Missy gives students the structure to compete with kindness, respect, and towards personal goals. Students can see one other as role models, and celebrate the abilities of one another while being proud of their own achievements and progress.
Please help us celebrate the winners of our Sit-up Competition!
Check back soon for more great updates from Legacy!

The winners from Rotational, Elementary, and Primary divisions!